Break the Cycle
Cycles, cycles and even more cycles. Life is just a history of repeating and never-ending cycles. Now the time has come to break all these cycles that we have become accustomed to and that rule our existence. Why you may ask ? Simply put, there is no other way forward. Day & night, work & leisure, Winter & Summer, joy & sorrow, breakfast & dinner, success & failure, noon & midnight, excitement & boredom, childhood & adulthood, war & peace, life & death, … If we are to sublime our tenure, the cycles have to be broken. There is no other way. None. Half of the world eat too much and the other half too little. How many times have we heard that ? Yet we do nothing to redress the balance, or very little. If you’re ‘lucky’ enough to belong to the first half, then life can be zip-a-dee-doo-dah. On the other hand if you’re ‘unfortunate’ enough to belong to the second category then life can be a steaming pile of dung, but also vice versa! Yet at the end of the day whether you live to 85 or 55, you end up kicking the bucket. There’s no extra time & no penalty shoot-out. You depart and that’s it. What if we could become masters of our own destiny ? What if we could cheat death ? What if the departed could be given a second chance, whomever they may be, whatever they may have done ? What if we broke the cycle once and for all ? What if The 13 were to materialize in order to break the cycle?